10 Party Hairstyles For Christmas 2012 – Style 1 Dutch Braid

10 Party Hairstyles For Christmas 2012 – Style 1 Dutch Braid

Dutch braid is the basic technique for cornrows.

Step 1: Clear and comb your hair.

Step 2: Gather a section of hair at the top of the head and divide it into three sections.

Step 3: Cross the right strand under the center. Then cross the left strand under the center.

Step 4: Hold the three sections in your left hand. Use your right hand pointer finger to section of a one to two inch (2.5-5cm) section from the side of your head to the middle of the back. Add this hair to the right strand.

Step 5: Cross the right strand under the center strand. While crossing the right section under grab the center section with your right and pull it over. Pull the braid tight.

Step 6: Move all three sections of hair to the right hand and add some hair to the left strand.

Step 7: Cross the left strand under the center strand in the same manner as in step four only with the left hand. Pull the braid tight.

Step8: Repeat steps three through six until all the hair has been worked into the braid.

Step 9: Continue with a basic inside-out braid, always crossing the outside strand of hair under the center strand.

Step 10: Roll the tails into cornrows and fixed it with clips.

source: http://www.hairextensiondeal.com/

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